Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Ask Joan: Understanding the warning signs of Alzheimer’s

Q. My father is 79 and is generally in good health. However, I’ve noticed he is sometimes forgetful and doesn’t always remember where things are around the house. Just last week, he was confused about what day it was. I don’t want to assume something more serious is...

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Ask Joan: Options counseling for caregivers

Q. I am 76 years old and the primary caretaker of my wife, who has Alzheimer’s. While I love my wife and want to help her, there are days when I am exhausted and struggling, especially when I’ve been up all night with her. Our doctor suggested trying an adult day...

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Caring for those who help during National Family Caregivers Month

AgeSpan’s Family Caregiver Support Program offers caregivers counseling and advice, respite care scholarships, habilitation therapy, grandparent campership scholarships, family meeting facilitation, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias education and support, and relaxation events.

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Beware of fraudulent offers for COVID-19 testing

Beware of fraudulent offers for COVID-19 testing from door-to-door, grocery store, telephone and mail order offerings— It is probably a scam! Lawrence, MA: The Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (MA SMP) Program warns the public to be wary of anyone other than a...

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