It was only a few months ago, although barely remembered now, that we were thinking about our goals or resolutions for the New Year, 2020. I was one of those people carefully choosing a plan for meeting my goals. Then the bus we did not see coming, named COVID 19,...
Finding My Elixir for Calm during a Pandemic
We have been social distancing in our home for 3 weeks now. Groceries arrive through the online service Instacart and are supplemented periodically when necessary by only one of us….and it is not me. I have not ventured out of my home except to walk my dog. I would...
Lessening the Anxiety of Grocery Shopping in the Time of Coronavirus
It goes without saying that life as we knew it has changed drastically. No one is exempt from the impact of Coronavirus. The term ‘unprecedented’ is used often to describe these current events. Ordinary everyday tasks that we took for granted present extraordinary...
Beware of fraudulent offers for COVID-19 testing
Beware of fraudulent offers for COVID-19 testing from door-to-door, grocery store, telephone and mail order offerings— It is probably a scam! Lawrence, MA: The Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (MA SMP) Program warns the public to be wary of anyone other than a...
Legislative Proclamation for Hoarding Disorder Awareness Week Signed for 2020
For a second year in a row, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has signed a legislative proclamation, declaring May 25 – 29, 2020 to be Hoarding Disorder Awareness Week. The legislative Proclamation came into existence due to the diligence of Eileen Dacey,(MSW,...