
Ask Joan: What accessory dwelling units mean for older adults

Joan Hatem-Roy, Chief Executive Officer Q. I read that Accessory Dwelling Units are now permitted by-right statewide in Massachusetts. How can older adults take advantage of this new law? A. Massachusetts’ new law permitting Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) by-right...

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Ask Joan: Patient Safety Awareness Week offers plenty of tips

Joan Hatem-Roy, Chief Executive Officer Q. I can’t make it to all my parents’ medical appointments, and I’m often worried about keeping up with all the information they are being given. What can I do to ensure their safety? As we observe Patient Safety Awareness Week...

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Caring for those who help during National Family Caregivers Month

AgeSpan’s Family Caregiver Support Program offers caregivers counseling and advice, respite care scholarships, habilitation therapy, grandparent campership scholarships, family meeting facilitation, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias education and support, and relaxation events.

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