
Veterans Among Us: Stories from Our Staff

My Story by Marcel DeVoe IT Specialist since 2006 When I turned 18 in 1968, the military draft was in effect. I opted to join the Navy and split my time between the Naval Reserves and Active Duty and reported to weekly meetings for the first year in Salem, Mass, when...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Steve Bellmont

After six months of retirement, Steve Bellmont, of Lynnfield, had a desire to continue contributing to a cause. He discovered our friendly visitor/shopper program and thought it would be a good match for his skills and interests. Five years later, Steve is known as...

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What is hoarding and can it be treated?

Hoarding is a progressive and chronic condition. According to the International OCD Foundation, hoarding is a complex disorder made up of three connected problems: collecting too many items; difficulty getting rid of items; and problems with organization. Hoarding is...

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Celebrating Older Americans Who Are Making Their Mark

Brendan and Kay Walsh The first in our month-long series celebrating Older American’s Month and Making Their Mark are Brendan and Kay Walsh of Salem, MA. Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2018, Kay has been on a mission to talk about hers and Brendan’s experiences and...

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What Will We Choose to Remember About This Time?

In looking back, was it only a few months ago that we would describe life as being ‘normal’? How is it possible that we are experiencing nostalgia for things that happened only a few weeks ago – things that may not have even mattered that much. It seems embarrassingly...

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