Q. I was divorced two years ago after a long marriage. Lately, I have been thinking about what it might be like to be in a relationship again. My friends are encouraging me to get out there and date, but at 67, the thought of starting over makes me nervous. I’ve...
Ask Joan: Heart Health and Stress
Q: I am 76 years old and try to be mindful about my health. There is a history of heart disease in my family, so I walk with friends and watch what I eat, but I hear more and more about the negative effects stress has on us. I know there’s no way to avoid it, but what...
Ask Joan: Celebrate Black history in February
Each February, we recognize and honor the successes, contributions, and sacrifices of African Americans during Black History Month. This year’s theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” highlights the influence of African American artists across literature, music,...
Veterans Among Us: Stories from Our Staff
My Story by Marcel DeVoe IT Specialist since 2006 When I turned 18 in 1968, the military draft was in effect. I opted to join the Navy and split my time between the Naval Reserves and Active Duty and reported to weekly meetings for the first year in Salem, Mass, when...
New program provides free tablet computers and internet access to local residents
We took time today to celebrate and thank our awesome staff during our annual Years of Service ceremony. It’s a time to recognize everyone’s hard work and acknowledge the milestone anniversaries of more than 50...
“Forever Fit” TV Series Begins Tomorrow, Friday, July 16
Some days, cooking can seem like a time-consuming hassle and making time for exercise falls victim to our busy schedules. But, if we’re told “you are what you eat” and “move it or lose it,” what should we do? This is especially meaningful for older adults...
Volunteer Spotlight: Steve Bellmont
After six months of retirement, Steve Bellmont, of Lynnfield, had a desire to continue contributing to a cause. He discovered our friendly visitor/shopper program and thought it would be a good match for his skills and interests. Five years later, Steve is known as...
What is hoarding and can it be treated?
Hoarding is a progressive and chronic condition. According to the International OCD Foundation, hoarding is a complex disorder made up of three connected problems: collecting too many items; difficulty getting rid of items; and problems with organization. Hoarding is...
Celebrating Older Americans Who Are Making Their Mark
Brendan and Kay Walsh The first in our month-long series celebrating Older American’s Month and Making Their Mark are Brendan and Kay Walsh of Salem, MA. Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2018, Kay has been on a mission to talk about hers and Brendan’s experiences and...
What Will We Choose to Remember About This Time?
In looking back, was it only a few months ago that we would describe life as being ‘normal’? How is it possible that we are experiencing nostalgia for things that happened only a few weeks ago – things that may not have even mattered that much. It seems embarrassingly...