Q: Several weeks ago you mentioned in a column the possibility to receive nutrition counseling if you are a diabetic. Could you provide more information? I am interested to find out if this would be a good opportunity for me.
A: Thanks for reminding us about this. The nutrition counseling could be a great educational resource for you and others reading this column. Anyone who has been diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, obesity and a host of other chronic health conditions most likely have been informed their diet can have a direct impact on how they manage their condition. Unless you become knowledgeable about what foods and what amounts you should be consuming it is unlikely that wise choices will be made every time you sit down for a meal.
The Medical Nutrition Therapy was specifically designed to work with Medicare beneficiaries who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or non-dialysis chronic kidney disease. The program consists of meeting with a licensed registered dietitian up to three visits during the year in your own home. Individuals who encounter barriers to leaving their residence would find this beneficial. In addition, referrals may be made for available community and food assistance programs if needed. The dietitian will also collaborate with the individual’s healthcare team to discuss concerns and report on progress made.
Adhering to a healthy eating plan may play an important role in helping to control a person’s blood sugar. It also helps to control risk factors for heart disease and certain cancers. The recommendation is to consume foods such as fruits,vegetables, whole grains paying attention to foods low in fat and calories. Reality is most people even those without a specific diagnosis could benefit from eating this way.
If you are interested in learning more about receiving nutrition education call 978-946-1211 or visit our website www.healthyliving4me.org Visit us on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Healthylivingcenterofexcellence/
Are you struggling caring for an older adult or having difficulty locating resources? Our staff is available for a no-cost consultation, set up at your convenience, to help guide you through your caregiving experience. For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 800-892-0890.
Do you have a question? We encourage inquiries and comments from our readers. Please direct your correspondence to ageinfo@esmv.org or Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc., Age Information Department, 280 Merrimack Street, Suite 400, Lawrence, MA 01843. Joan Hatem-Roy is the CEO of Elder Services.