In our role as a federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA), every four years we develop an Area Plan on Aging, and it is approved by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. The plan addresses the needs of older adults, adults with disabilities and their caregivers and shares program initiatives and expansion possibilities, providing a vision and plan for strengthening programs that support people as they age. It also includes a focus on the work we do to address economic security, promote healthy aging and healthy choices, and reduce the incidence of isolated elders.
Area Plan 2018 – 2021AgeSpan installs new signage visible from Interstate 495
Media Release Contact: Susan Geier, Director of Communications Motorists will notice an updated view from their drive on Interstate 495. AgeSpan’s new signage was installed today on building #5 at 360 Merrimack Street in Lawrence, which is visible from the highway....