Keeping seniors safe and secure at home and in the community is a critical priority. AgeSpan is your resource for services to help ensure their welfare.

To report a case of abuse, call the Massachusetts Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-800-922-2275
Protective Services
Elder abuse is a serious problem that includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect by a caregiver, self-neglect, and financial exploitation. Under Massachusetts law, AgeSpan is the designated agency for receiving and investigating reports of elder abuse in our service area and for providing needed protective services for seniors at risk.
The Protective Services program is designed to remedy or alleviate a crisis and to prevent a recurrence. Services may include:
- Home care services
- Medical treatment
- Assistance with connecting with legal and counseling options
- Advocacy and support
A competent senior has the right to accept or refuse protective services.
Reporting abuse
Anyone can report elder abuse. Some individuals, known as mandated reporters, are required to report cases. This includes healthcare professionals, social workers, therapists, first responders, senior and home care agencies, and others.
To report a case of abuse, call the Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-800-922-2275
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