Breaking Barriers for More Equitable Healthcare
Join us for a free, virtual conference designed to highlight and explore the vital importance of engaging and including diverse perspectives and voices in the healthcare delivery system. Only through deliberate inclusion can equitable and quality healthcare be achieved.
Harold D. Cox is a professor and former associate dean at the Boston University School of Public Health. Professor Cox was the first director of the Activist Lab which engages the school and community in real world advocacy to drive innovation and lasting improvements in the health of our local, regional, and global communities. Professor Cox trained as a social worker and has extensive experience in direct services, administration, and advocacy in a variety of public health care settings including developmental disabilities, HIV/AIDS, and governmental public health.
The mission of the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Program is to raise awareness about the importance of engaging elders, family members, caregivers, and professionals in preventing healthcare errors, fraud, and abuse to contain costs and ensure quality and equitable healthcare.
This conference will offer the following workshops:
- Understanding consumer’s rights to accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Recognizing demographic disparities in the patient experience and how to address them.
- How to detect, protect and report healthcare errors, fraud, and abuse and spot a scam.
- Cost-saving programs for Medicare beneficiaries.
- Educating professionals about medical transportation i.e., ambulance billing complexities.
- Understanding the importance of navigating Electronic Health Records.
RN and Social Work CEUs have been applied for. No charge for CEUs.
For more information, contact Caroline Louise Cole at 800-892-0890 ext.1256 or email her at